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IASAO | International Association of Specialists in Aligner Orthodontics

Join the IASAO

International Association

of Specialists in

Aligner Orthodontics

Join US!

We would be happy to welcome you as a member of the IASAO to share your experience with our association.

During our PRE-OPENING PERIOD you can register FOR FREE. To apply, just complete the attached form and send it to us.

You will join our association as a representative of your country without any costs for you and your practice.

By submitting this application I agree to be included in the membership list with all my contact details. I also agree to my data being stored by the IASAO.

These data will be used exclusively for the purposes of the IASAO and will not be passed on to third parties.

I explicitly agree to the publication of my name, title and contact details including my website address.

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Image Credit: © Kalim /